our story

Japanese cuisine is recognised worldwide as showcasing premium ingredients, exacting techniques and unique and distinctive flavours.

The Good Grub Hub has been committed to sourcing specialist Japanese products for the Australian market, seeking out the very finest artisanal ingredients to suit not only Japanese dishes, but to enhance many Western-style cuisines.

Leading chefs, top-hatted restaurants and discerning caterers look to our products for their exceptional quality and flavour, enabling them to explore new and exciting tastes. We go the extra mile to build sustainable relationships with our clients, sourcing and importing that particular ingredient that can really make a dish stand out.

All our products represent the very best of the best, long-appreciated in Japan for their time-honoured methods of production and use of premium raw ingredients. The result is flavour that adds zest, depth, or just that indefinable 'extra something' to your culinary creations.

Once a well-kept secret, our products are now ubiquitous in many Australian kitchens.

We are based in Melbourne, Australia - contact us to make an appointment and let our expertise aid you in taking your cooking to another level.